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Hey there! Happy Monday!


Thanks for being flexible with me as I move to this platform in order to make things better for YOU. This blog will replace the diary (continued access provided below).

If I update this post further, I will let you know. Cheers!


  • Update 4/27 7am. Grades updated. I have a feeling there are some students who may have completed work but who did not let me know it’s done, as the directions say to do. Did you finish something, and it hasn’t been graded yet? Shoot me an e-mail.

  • 8am. I have discovered that when I open email using the Authority’s site, it seems I have no new email. But when I open the same account using the Gmail site, I am seeing a bunch of new messages. I have asked the Authority to help me figure out what is going on; in the meantime there are emails to me stretching back weeks that I have never seen. Be patient with me. (( facepalm

  • Update 4/28 12pm. Grades should be updated or you should have an email from me. If you think not, please let me know.


Here I will answer anonymous questions. The Question Box form is in Google Classroom.

  • Q (4/27): What do you think this will do to the economy and how much of this do you think was planned? (How convenient is it that China bought all stocks when they fell a while back? Is US going to recover from this economically?)

  • A: There is no evidence that the COVID-19 outbreak was engineered as a bioweapon, or set loose by accident in some kind of secret military (or other) laboratory. The CDC site is a good place to seek answers to questions, but as the administration continues to prioritize loyalty to the president over science and public health, read everything with a skeptical mind. Try to check multiple credible sources and see if they agree. As for the question about stock-buying, it would not surprise me to learn that after the outbreak began in Wuhan, entities in China with knowledge of the outbreak manipulated their assets prior making public statements or releasing information. Anything China reports should be viewed with extreme skepticism, since it is a totalitarian state whose citizens have almost none of our freedoms. Notice: two of our own lawmakers have been accused of manipulating their assets after finding out information about the virus, before that information was made public. In America these are criminal acts, and the folks accused should be brought to trial or removed from office. As for the economic aspect of the crisis that affects you and me: it’s likely to be very bad, and the recovery is likely to be difficult. I will try to comment on this more, if you want.

Classroom Diary: Quarter 4, 2019-2020 ROOM 250 ● PALM SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL JSTANFORD@PSUSD.US Web site E3AP GOOGLE CLASSROOM 5ms3mc APUSH GOOGLE CLASSROOM 36lc5r3 If you're having a crisis at home Riverside County CARES line: 800 706 7500 Suic...

Unless otherwise attributed, my images are all my own and cannot be used or duplicated without my written permission. My opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion or policy of any other person or entity. My job is to help students sharpen their ability to argue, effectively, their own opinions and perspectives. Their conduct is bound by my school site's published student code of conduct; beyond that, at no time are they required to share my arguments, opinions, or perspectives. All rights reserved, © 2017-20.